まだある! ファイナルファンタジーを便利にする3つのツール
Final Fantasy and PhilosophyThe Ultimate Walkthrough【電子書籍】[ William Irwin ]
<p>An unauthorized look behind one of the greatest video game franchises of all time, <em>Final Fantasy</em></p> <p>The <em>Final Fantasy</em> universe is packed with compelling characters and incredible storylines. In this book, you'll take a fascinating look at the deeper issues that <em>Final Fantasy</em> forces players to think about while trying to battle their way to the next level, such as: Does Cloud really exist (or should we really care)? Is Kefka really insane? Are Moogles part of a socialist conspiracy? Does the end of the game justify the means?</p> <p>As Mages, Moogles, fiends, and Kefka are mashed together with the likes of Machiavelli, Marx, Foucault, and Kafka, you'll delve into crucial topics such as madness, nihilism, environmental ethics, Shintoism, the purpose of life, and much more.</p> <ul> <li>Examines the philosophical issues behind one of the world's oldest and most popular video-game series</li> <li>Offers new perspectives on <em>Final Fantasy</em> characters and themes</li> <li>Gives you a psychological advantage--or at least a philosophical one--against your <em>Final Fantasy</em> enemies</li> <li>Allows you to apply the wisdom of centuries of philosophy to any game in the series, including <em>Final Fantasy XIII</em></li> </ul> <p>Guaranteed to add a new dimension to your understanding of the <em>Final Fantasy</em> universe, this book is the ultimate companion to the ultimate video-game series.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
- 商品価格:1,452円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0
ファイナルファンタジー 関連ツイート
@japanes_hentai 2018/11/03 23:46
RT @mdn_net: 【イベント】ファイナルファンタジーの30年の歴史を振り返る「別れの物語展」が待望の大阪開催。会期中に枚方公園駅では、自動改札の1台が、通過すると「勝利のファンファーレ」が鳴る仕様に(9時〜閉園時間)。https://t.co/9peXoVBm3z #F…
@apple_gel 2018/11/03 23:39
今日のファイナルファンタジー展にいき、ファイナルファンタジーシリーズやりたいと思います。皆さんは何をみてみたいですか? #ファイナルファンタジー #ニコニコ生放送
@Nurseneko 2018/11/03 23:32
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